Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Racing for a Cure

Dear Friends,

A year ago I began a fundraising effort to personally raise $1,000 for spinal cord injury research. I challenged 10 friends to do the same. We’ve had varying levels of success. First, thanks to those who elected to participate. Thank you to all who contributed and very special thanks to Susan & David, Kumar, Marty and Richard for reaching the goal with individual pledges. My own efforts have fallen short due in large part to a very serious illness this past spring that nearly took my life. I am fully recovered and back on track.

On January 18, 2009 I will push my first half-marathon (the PF Chang Rock and Roll Marathon), all 13.1 miles of it. It’s hard to believe that just 4 months ago, I could not push to the mail box and a trip around the block was impossible.

So I am begging for sponsors. Will you consider pledging? And, if you act now, I’ll give you the 1/10th of a mile gratis. :) $5 per mile is just $65. $10 a mile is fantastic! “Flat” pledges of any amount ($25, $50, $75 or MORE) are also welcome. I am grateful for whatever you can pledge.

This has been a year of great victories and deep loss. Just days ago, another friend died a death he would not have faced if not for his spinal cord injury. The shock and grief have been a mental setback. I’ll be racing for those like Patrick who have alternatively pushed me and held me up when I could not.

Every dollar raised will go directly to the researchers at the Reeve-Irvine Research Center who work to treat and cure a host of neuro-degenerative disorders. There have been great strides made since my visit to the lab almost a year ago. I am more confident than ever that we’re on the right track.

I’ll even be so bold to say that I believe that the next 18 months will see the start of human clinical trials and breath-taking announcements as we move closer and closer to a treatment for neuro-degenerative disorders including spinal cord injury.

To contribute, either e-mail me with your pledge challenge or make a contribution here. http://jenlongdon.chipin.com/research-for-cure. I'll update you on my results ASAP following the race on January 18th.

Thank you for your continued support. I honestly would not make it without the help of my friends.

With love and gratitude,


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