Friday, September 28, 2007

The Power of a Single Finger

One finger, a single click can change lives. I ask you to use yours to help me.

With a minimum of 500 clicks on this URL I will earn a chance to spend the day with presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. If I win that chance, I will spend my time with him lobbying for Spinal Cord Injury issues. By convincing one candidate to begin a public discussion on SCI issues, other candidates will follow suit.

This is a wonderful opportunity to bring SCI issues to the forefront on the national political stage. All you need to do is click. You don't need to register on the site, your email address is not collected (unless you actually enter it). No one will contact you. You are not endorsing this candidate or any other by clicking.

Quite frankly, I am not endorsing a candidate at this time. I am simply hoping to use this opportunity to communicate directly with a candidate and jump-start this conversation.

This is the simplest way possible to advocate for SCI issues without having to really do anything. Please, will you click? Click from every computer you can access, please.

Bonus points if you'll forward/post this URL for others to click as well. I assure you, simply clicking will not add you to any mailing list or commit you in any way to a candidate or political issue.

My friend and fellow advocate, Steven Edwards is also collecting clicks but he has 500 and he's working toward earning more powerful rewards.

WE ARE NOT COMPETING. This is a cooperative effort.

