Thursday, May 24, 2007
Good News/Bad News
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
du Jour
It was a lovely reminder that I need to treat myself from time-to-time and also that luxury need not be costly. The entire 4-course lunch was less than $20 a plate. If you have a cooking school in your town, check to see if they run a restaurant. It's well worth the time and the price.
Monday, May 21, 2007
As a child I had a traumatic experience with beets that I still will not talk about but beets will never knowingly pass my lips. Seriously, beets scare me.
As a child, Dickie Cordell chased me and threw his ice cream cone at me and it hit my leg and stuck and slowly slid down my leg to my ankle. The gross part was that Dickie was the fat mean kid in our neighborhood and the cone was filled with Miracle Whip. I can't stand the stuff and even the smell of mayo makes me nauseous. How many people do you know have had not one but two traumatic experiences with food?
I love, I mean L O V E cheese popcorn but I don't like having my fingers turn orange, so I use chopsticks. Works with Cheetos too.
When I'm really relaxed and breathing deeply, my nose whistles. This is especially annoying as I am trying to go to sleep. Sometimes it even wakes me up.
I am incapable of remembering numbers of any kind. What was 6 last time will be 32 the next and 3 the time after. Never rely on me to judge distance.
I can't carry a tune in a bucket but I love to sing. When my son was little and I would sing to him, he would put his hand over my mouth and say "Momma, don't sing."
Once I start reading a book, I must finish it; no matter how bad it is. I am a compulsive reader. My ex had it written into his will that there be no printed material of any kind within eyesight of his casket. He envisioned me grieving at his casket when the little "Made in China" tag would catch my attention. OK, it's funnier when he tells it.
Which reminds me, I cannot tell a joke. I always blow it. They're never funny when I tell them.
How about you? What makes you "weird?"
Sunday, May 20, 2007
My Garden
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
A picture worth a thousand words
And print....
And, someone I don't know, posted this....
Other Websites:
I snapped a photo of the officer’s car and on Thursday, the ran the picture with a story entitled, “Deputy did not belong in handicapped parking spot.” I am surprised by how much attention this photo has received and at the comments posted in response to it. I’d like to share with you some of the details that didn’t make the story and respond to some of the comments posted thus far.
First, I did not mean this photo to be an indictment against law enforcement officers, Sheriff Joe or the MCSO.
I do, however, believe the photo epitomizes the situation people face when dealing with accessible parking. I expected a law enforcement officer to have more empathy and better understanding of how precious those accessible spots are for those of us who need them.
The original statements put forth by the MCSO did indeed take responsibility. But, the MCSO spokesperson went on to state “the lot was full, the deputy needed to conduct official business” and that the car was not parked there long. Almost everyone who inappropriately parks in accessible spaces justifies their actions in the same manner.
The missing details are thus. I did circle the lot and luckily the spot next to the deputy came available. I realized before I started down my ramp that there was not enough clearance at the bottom so I waited inside my van until help arrived. While waiting, I watched another woman with an accessible parking hang-tag circle the lot and end up parking in a spot rather far away. This elderly woman hobbled up to the building on her cane past the inappropriately parked deputy’s vehicle. I wonder what she thought as she passed. Some have said “no harm, no foul.” I hope you’ll agree that this would be a much different story if that woman had fallen in the lot and broken her hip; or, if I had gotten to the end of the ramp and remained trapped there unable to wheel up my ramp backward and unable to go forward. As a person with a spinal cord injury, I am far more susceptible to heat stroke than an able-bodied person. Indeed a friend died last summer after been trapped outside for about 20 minutes.
What if the deputy had parked there after I had exited my vehicle and prevented me from getting back into my van? This often happens in parking lots.
As for how much room it takes to maneuver, wheel chair ramps have wings on the sides to protect us from falling off. I must clear the ramp before I can turn. My knees were against the deputy’s vehicle and I could not get the extra inch I needed to clear. These spaces tend to be quite tight.
I too become frustrated when I see people abusing the privilege of accessible parking. They know who they are. I would welcome stricter enforcement of the privilege.
Please realize that for many of us, those spots are our lifeline to living a “normal” life, whatever that may be. I need room for my ramp so that I can get out of my vehicle to work, shop, worship and do all the same day-to-day things that anyone else does. In my wheelchair, I am about the height of your average 10 year old. Wheeling through parking lots can be quite a challenge when cars don’t see me. The accessible spaces also provide a safe route in and out of the building.
My hope in publicizing the photo was that the public would take a moment and consider the importance of accessible parking and the importance of those median spaces in between. If you are not the disabled driver or passenger that was assigned the permit, don’t use it. If you are that person and you are not getting out of the vehicle, don’t use it. Please don’t park your motorcycle or shopping cart in the medians between accessible spaces. I’m not asking that you make my life easy. I just hope you won’t make it impossible.
My first post
Don't know that I have anything interesting to say but here goes!